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September 12, 2019

HCHS commemorates anniversary of 9/11

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HCHS commemorates anniversary of 9/11

September 11, 2018

Patriots Day 9/11 memorial ceremony at Middletown High School

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Patriots Day 9/11 memorial ceremony at Middletown High School

September 11, 2017

Introducing a new Freedom Flag Tradition to Delaware on Patriots Day

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Introducing a new Freedom Flag Tradition to Delaware on Patriots Day

June 20, 2003

PRESS RELEASE: Virginia Introduces State Symbol of Remembrance During Dedication Ceremony

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PRESS RELEASE: Virginia Introduces State Symbol of Remembrance During Dedication Ceremony

June 16, 2020

Henrico man’s 'Freedom Flag' could become federal symbol of 9/11

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Henrico man’s 'Freedom Flag' could become federal symbol of 9/11
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